School 学校
Shopping 购物
Medical Centre诊所,医院
Transport 交通
Etc 等等
o To measure the land ensure it is in the right position with correct measurements according to the registered plan 确认土地位置和尺寸
o To obtain finance pre-approval 如果要贷款,先要申请预批
o Arrange Building Inspection 安排专业人士检查建筑物
o Arrange Pest Inspection安排专业人士检查是否有白蚁
o Check all appliances including heating, cooling, hot water system, all taps, toilet flushing, electric wiring, etc. 去看房的时候要检查所有设备,配置是否工作正常
o Check all plumbing leaks (open the kitchen cupboard, vanity under taps to check) 去看房的时候要打开水龙头下面的柜子看看是否有漏水
o Check if there any leaks from roof 去看房的时候要抬头看看天花板,看看是否有漏水的痕迹
o Check if there any cracks 去看房的时候要看看是否有裂缝
o Check if there any extension or additional building structure that was build not at same time as the main building. 去看房的时候要看看是否有加建改建。
1. Subject to purchaser’s Finance being approved for 80% of contract price within 14 working days from Day of Sale; 双方签好合同后,买家有14 天时间去申请贷款。如果贷款不批下来,买家有权退出合同,所有首付退还买家
2. Subject to purchaser obtaining Building and or Pest report of the property within 10 working days after Day of Sale. If the report is unsatisfactory to the purchaser, then the purchaser may end this contract by serving written notice on the vendor’s representative together with the report within 12 days of the sale. Should the purchaser end the contract pursuant to this special condition, then all monies are to be refunded to the purchaser without any deduction whatsoever.
3. All appliance must be in good working order at settlement or settlement will be postponed till 3 business days after purchaser have another satisfied inspection;
4. ALL unwanted items (rubbish) must be removed from the property prior to settlement or settlement will be postponed till 3 business days after purchaser have another satisfied inspection.
5. This Contract is subject to the Purchaser obtaining FIRB approval within forty-five (45) days from the Day of Sale.
买方在双方签好合同后,买方立即申请FRIB 批文,要在45天内拿到批文。否则双方都有权结束合同。
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